Wednesday, August 23, 2006


We went to New York this past weekend to visit Sunshine and her family and see our grandson dedicated. It was an awesome visit, even though tense at times with two sets of grandparents there. We didn't get to go up front with the family to dedicate him ... a decision Sunshine and Aaron made for it to be just their little family ... but we got to take pictures. It was so funny watching Sunshine feed him all the way up to keep him happy. He squirmed the entire time and when the pastor put his hand on his forehead to dedicate him, Canaan leaned clear backwards. I got a picture of it and Jim was videotaping. We teased the kids afterwards that their son was "slain in the spirit" when he was dedicated and we have proof of it! (HeeHee!)

Living so far away and seeing grandbabies so little makes a grandparent very nervous that they won't know us ... love us ... know how much we love them. However, Adelaide totally wiped out all fear of that for me this weekend. When we walked in the door her eyes brightened and she ran at me with outstretched arms shouting "Grandma!!" No one could prompt a child to show such sincere, exploding joy. I am blessed. As I walked out to the car to get something shortly after, Canaan yelled a protest that I was leaving without him. Yep, no doubt about it ... I am loved. Now I need to see my little Halle to make sure she still remembers me ... It's been 2 and one-half months too long !!! Thank you, God, for grandchildren. They keep us feeling young and important.


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