Thursday, October 13, 2005


Remember that "age-old" comment: "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."? Well, the wealthy and wise part is yet to be realized but the "healthy" part is proving to be true! Since Jim started working day turn, we head to bed every night between 9:00 and 10:00 PM. I get up no later than 6:00 AM ...Today I got up at 5:30!!! I have had my prayer time with the Lord, walked 2 and a half miles, blogged on the internet, caught up on my children's blogs, and am still ahead of what I would normally get accomplished by this time. I feel rested, energetic and all around GREAT! Thank you, Lord, once again for giving my husband a "day" position!


Blogger Kelly said...


I am seeing in this in my own life as well. More and more I am realizing that if I can manage to get up by 7am, get one cup of coffee in me and some time in the word, I am a better mom and wife!

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I get up at 6:15am and head off to the gym. I feel so accomplished when I get home at 7:30 and most people are just starting their days!

As for the dedication service, we are having daddy do the ceremony. We need to talk about specifics at some point. The one thing I know for sure is that I want family up there the whole time, and I want him to call our small group up at the end, right before the prayer so they can pray with us.

Other than that, I guess it will just be the traditional dedication ceremony. I would like a rose since Elijah had one. We can nail down other specifics when you get here next Friday??? We are thinking of just going out to eat with everyone after the service. I dont' see any way that everyone could fit in our house. I figure we can do cake at home with you guys, mom and dad and Jason and Ruth after lunch. Let me know your thoughts . . .
Love you,

12:12 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

Hi Sweetie!

Was so good to hear your voice this morning. I am so proud of you in your efforts to get your "priorities straight" so early in your life. It took me till I was nearly 50 to realize I need to eat properly and exercise faithfully and it will make me feel so much better in all areas of my life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and SPIRITUALLY!

Looking forward to seeing you in about a week! We love and miss you all.

Love Always,
Mom S.

9:14 AM  

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