Saturday, August 13, 2005


Well, we are ending our second week of Jim being on "day turn" and it just gets better every day. He is doing little "sweet" things for me that he hasn't often done in recent years like opening the car door for me and buying me a dozen red roses "just because". But, what is really awesome, and I still can't believe it is true, he comes to my aid almost "immediately" (if at all possible) to do things for me and come to my aid when I need help ... Things that used to be put on his "To Do" list and I never had a clue when (or if) they would ever be done. I keep waiting for it to "wear off" ... but so far it is just getting better! I am so thankful to have him "back" in spirit ... the man I fell in love with and married. Ya know, I have always tried to "be there" for Jim to help him when he needed me, but now I look for opportunities to do it even more. I was even able to give him a suggestion to how to solve a problem outside today, and I was so excited that he used it! It made me feel good I could help make his tasks easier.

Well, tomorrow will technically end my "3 Week Body Makeover" program. I have lost about 4 pounds. I can't tell by measuring that I have lost any inches but my clothes are fitting better, I am definitely stronger in my arms and legs, I can walk comfortably at a much faster pace, I have improved my cardiovascular ability and I feel good about my accomplishments! I am determined to continue on with this exercise program, with adaptations as needed, and watching more closely what I eat in order to establish a healthier lifestyle. I am almost to the point that I am about to do away with taking a multivitamin and at least one of the medicines I am presently on. It is exciting what self-discipline can do!


Blogger James said...

Congrats on your 3 week makeover mom. You are a disciplined machine!

9:24 AM  

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