Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I pray this is not a dream! Jim seems to have more interest in helping me with "little things" and energy to do it "now" instead of 6 months later. For instance, last night my new cheese slicer broke. I was ready to pitch it and Jim offered to fix it. Even though I told him not to bother (cause I am so used to him being too tired and "stretched thin" to mess with such minute items of need) he still took it upon himself to seek out the tools and materials needed, fix it, and place it in my hands within the half hour after it broke! He is my "hero"! (smile) I have often told him that when he has come to my aid but I have a feeling I will be saying it even more frequently. I am so excited to not just be his "helpmate" but to have my helpmate back in my life. Not that he has not always tried to "be there" for me but it was not always achieved in a "timely manner" nor as willingly ... actually excitedly ... as he completed this task on my behalf. I do believe that the man I married has come back to me ... one with energy and joy of living. Now I am starting to wonder if I will be able to keep up with him! (smile) Ya know, perhaps that is what gave me the energy to get out of bed earlier today in order to wave goodbye to him at the door!

My walking and exercises are completed for the day and now I must go take pictures the progress on our building for my Honey. Have a great day and do something special for Your Helpmate. God bless.


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