Monday, August 01, 2005


As my husband climbed out of bed at 6:00 AM to get ready for work I realized "This is it!" He is actually a "day turn" worker now! This is how each morning will feel ... except, once I get through the laziness of my summer off from school, I plan to start getting up with him (or at least by 6:30) to wave goodbye to him from the door ... After all, that is the "tradition" of our lives together! I have always tried to be there for hiim (and he for me) waving goodbye whenever we must part for the day.

The men are back at work on our new building this morning and I am in charge of taking progress pictures since Jim is at work ... my mission for the day. Why? Because I love him!

I completed my 8th day of my "3 Week Body Makeover" plan and was shocked to see that, even though I had read the directions over and over and over, I had not completed the exercises correctly this past week. I was only doing 1 repetition of a set of doing each exercise 10-12 times when I was supposed to do 3 repetitions. I kept thinking it was quite easy to do ... except for the pushups! Then I thought back to last Tuesday when I could barely move. I doubt I could have completed 3 repetitions even if I had tried and if I had done so I probably would have literally not been able to walk! I wonder if there should be an age limit on those who attempt this routine? I consider myself to be quite "fit" for a woman 53 years old but I do not think I could have done the first week as directed. This week I seem to be a bit stronger and hopefully I will be able to do it correctly. At least I have done the walking routines correctly! The scales do not inidicate I have lost any weight but, when we took a bike ride last night, Jim noted that my endurance had increased! I was able to ride at a faster speed without getting so winded as I used to all the time. That made me feel good. Not just that my efforts to adhere to this program had shown some benefit but that my husband noticed it and complimented me on it! We all need to work on praising our spouses more if we are honest about it. Our Gary Smalley "Relationships" videos that we watch with our small group from church always seem to help us become more aware of things like that. You are never too young or too old to learn and improve!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ) Phillipians 4:13


Blogger Kelly said...

Congratulations Dad!

Also, just wanted to let you know that I looked at your barn pics and it is looking really great. We can't wait to see it in person!

I also looked at your 2005 White Mountains Pics. It brought back such great memories of what was, without a doubt,the best vacation we've ever had. I wish so much that we could have gone this year. Hopefully we will be able to continue to backpack, even with a little one. I love it so much.

Anyway, I missing you today.
Love you both,

4:59 AM  

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